Earlier this week, Kartik Aaryan was spotted at Madhok Office, sparking speculations that the duo might be working together again after Lukka Chuppi and Love Aaj Kal. Karan Johar was also in attendance at the event, sparking media speculations about a mega collaboration between the three giants -- Dinesh Vijan, Kartik Aaryan and Karan Johar.
However, our exclusive source confirms that there was a reason why Kartik met Dinesh Vijan. "Kartik Aaryan requested a meeting with Dinesh Vijan and during the meeting, he asked about the films on his list. Dinnu opened up about all the films he is making for the big screen and Kartik, in response, asked about bigger projects in the pipeline that he would like to step up to after 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3'," an industry source
The source further added, "Kartik is a big fan of the first film, especially Deepika Padukone's role, and hence had specifically enquired about the possibility of 'Cocktail 2' with her in the lead role." The conversation ended in an open one, with the hope of working on a project together soon. Dinesh Vijan is also excited to partner with Kartik Aaryan after garnering success through his own efforts with the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series."
Sources also informed that Dinesh Vijan and Kartik Aaryan are also exploring the possibility of a sequel to Luka Chuppi. "Luka Chuppi has been a massive success and they are also considering Luka Chuppi 2. We will have a clear idea next month but both are keen to team up and take the franchise forward as Bhool Bhulaiyaa has proven how powerful the combination of franchise and Kartik is in the modern world," the source further said.
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