The Allu Arjun film made an incredible Rs. 36 crores on Tuesday, which is just amazing. It's inconceivable that people are still going to the theater in such large numbers, especially now that winter has arrived. Otherwise, excuses about bad weather and the generally slow post- or pre-festival season begin to be used when movies don't work. But none of that is true for Pushpa 2 (Hindi), as thousands of people are visiting, which is simply crazy.
The Allu Arjun film made an incredible Rs. 36 crores on Tuesday, which is just amazing. It's inconceivable that people are still going to the theater in such large numbers, especially now that winter has arrived. Otherwise, excuses about bad weather and the generally slow post- or pre-festival season begin to be used when movies don't work. But none of that is true for Pushpa 2 (Hindi), as thousands of people are visiting, which is simply crazy.
The movie will continue to gross over Rs. 30 crores today and tomorrow. If it approaches that amount, don't worry—we'll have another weekend with over Rs. 100 crores. The Sukumar-directed action family has so far It is now almost certain that the Sukumar-directed action family drama will join the Rs. 400 Crore Club today, having made Rs. 375 crores so far. One waits to see the makers prepare to pop the champagne for the Rs. 500 Crore Club entry celebrations, which would be simply inexplicable.
The movie will continue to gross over Rs. 30 crores today and tomorrow. If it approaches that amount, don't worry—we'll have another weekend with over Rs. 100 crores. The Sukumar-directed action family has so far It is now almost certain that the Sukumar-directed action family drama will join the Rs. 400 Crore Club today, having made Rs. 375 crores so far. One waits to see the makers prepare to pop the champagne for the Rs. 500 Crore Club entry celebrations, which would be simply inexplicable.
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