Despite the fact that Chulbul Pandey and Bajirao Singham are from different worlds, Rohit Shetty talked about bringing the two famous characters together. He stated in an interview with India Today Digital that their partnership would produce a unique movie that is distinct from his current cop universe.
"We were developing our own characters, and they were influencing each other's stories," Rohit Shetty stated. We created the universe in this way. However, there has never been any interaction between these two intellectual properties. This has never been done before, and it's something new for everyone, if everything goes according to plan and the audience enjoys what we create. Furthermore, neither Singham nor Chulbul are traveling to the universe. For a single film, two IPs and two universes will collide.
Additionally, Rohit Shetty stated that the film's set production would require some time. "This will be a stand-alone movie, not where everyone comes together," he continued. Making it will undoubtedly take a long time.
In the Singham Again post-credits scene, Salman Khan briefly appeared and uttered his famous line, "Swagat nahi karoge humara?" Many fans were disappointed by the fleeting cameo, which then hinted at the upcoming movie Mission Chulbul Singham.
"We followed the international format where, at the end, you see a photo or a phone call," Rohit Shetty explained when discussing the creative choice behind Salman Khan's cameo. Salman was added merely because we have him, and the story was already over. That was not how we could waste him. A brief appearance is preferable to a full-length sequence where viewers ask, "Why him, zarurat nahi thi (it wasn't needed)?" That would not have gone well at all.
"We followed the international format where, at the end, you see a photo or a phone call," Rohit Shetty explained when discussing the creative choice behind Salman Khan's cameo. Salman was added merely because we have him, and the story was already over. That was not how we could waste him. A brief appearance is preferable to a full-length sequence where viewers ask, "Why him, zarurat nahi thi (it wasn't needed)?" That would not have gone well at all.
Additionally, Shetty disclosed that he had been experimenting with the concept for years and that Salman Khan instantly agreed to star in the movie when he contacted him.
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