Raaj Shaandilyaa was asked in an exclusive interview the most anticipated Indian film could be directed by him. "The producers did call me for Hera Pheri 3," he stated. Samaj mein nahin aayi lekin mujhe kahani. That's what I felt assuming we have stood by such countless years for section 3, toh kuch saal aur stand by kar sakte hai."
He proceeded, "Then, Akshay Kumar sir, Paresh Rawal sir and Anna (Suniel Shetty) additionally called me, mentioning me to coordinate the film. I told them, 'This is Hera Pheri 3. I'll not touch the film except if we get something splendid (regarding idea and content)'. I surmise the film is stuck at this point. In any case, assuming that things get sorted out, I'd very much want to make it."
In addition, "I also want to work with Akshay sir," Raaj Shaandilyaa stated. He continues to tell me 'Simple saath film karo'! Notwithstanding, I feel that when we find out about a film jo unhone na kiya ho aur maine bhi na kiya ho, toh principal zaroor karunga woh film."
Raaj Shaandilyaa commends his birthday on September 16. He responded, "It's also the birthday of my son Viraaj." when asked about his plans. He was additionally brought into the world on September 16 (grins). We intend to party perhaps in Mumbai or in Lonavala. Today, September 13, marks Dream Girl's fifth anniversary. The trailer of Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video has gotten an exceptional reaction. Thus, there are such countless motivations to celebrate."
Last month, he tweeted that he would make a major declaration on September 16. On this, Raaj Shaandilyaa uncovered, "We planned to send off Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video's trailer on September 16. Yet, we didn't have Rajkummar Rao's dates. Subsequently, the trailer was delivered on September 12. Presently, on September 16, I'll send off the logo of Kathavachak Movies, my creation house. Additionally, I might announce my next venture.
Other than Rajkummar Rao, Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video likewise stars Tripti Dimrii, Vijay Raaz, Mallika Sherawat, Archana Puran Singh, Mukesh Tiwari, Rakesh Bedi, Tiku Talsania and Ashwini Kalsekar. It discharges in films on October 11.
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