Thursday, August 6, 2020

Disha Salian’s father files a complaint with Mumbai Police, says media is maligning his daughter’s name

There's been an enormous measure of reports asserting that the passing of Disha Salian is connected to Sushant Singh Rajput's less than ideal downfall. On Wednesday, August 5, Mumbai Police gave a public statement requesting that anybody with data approach and help in the examination. 

Disha Salian's dad Satish Salian composed a letter to Mumbai Police on August 5 guaranteeing that bogus media reports are being circled with respect to his little girl's demise. In his letter, he said that the writers are showing up at his home to talk with them and are intellectually annoying them. He impugned reports expressing about Disha's assault and murder. Likewise, he said that these cases are defaming his girl's picture. 

Disha Salian's dad documents a grievance with Mumbai Police, says media is censuring his little girl's name 

Satish Salian's letter: 

"Subject: Mental badgering and resulting exploitation of my family and expired little girl Disha Salian by columnists and media individuals 


I am composing this to you as my family has been consistently annoyed by columnists and media individuals comparable to the passing of my little girl Disha Salian. Considering the above terrible episode and conditions, I had just presented a composed protest in Malvani Police Station and ACP's office vide letter dated: 13/07/2020 against critical posts and advances being shared by the recorded individuals in the said letter, prompting slander of my perished little girl and my family. 

Notwithstanding the said letter, I might want to draw out into the open, the barbarities of columnists and media individuals on my family. 

The media individuals come unannounced at my home concealing their unique image for the sake of meetings with respect to the passing of my little girl. They are furnishing the media with deceiving news which are not just making impediment to the real request being directed, but at the same time it's negatively affecting my family. 

We are being badgering by these individuals by over and over scrutinizing our confidence in Mumbai Police and their method of requests are directed. We have just given our announcement to the police that we don't associate anybody with unfairness. 

News about her inclusion with any government official or going to parties with enormous names of film clique, assault, murder are largely the tales cooked by these media individuals just to offer it to channels. These accounts hold no reality. These are misdirecting the individuals and discoloring my little girl's notoriety and my family's notoriety. These phony news are negatively affecting my family's wellbeing and we are being deceived by the media. We are totally happy with the examinations being directed by Mumbai Police and have confidence in them. 

Through this letter. I would demand you to make sensible move against the concerned writers, influencers, lawmakers, and media for their obtuse demonstration towards us." 

Disha Salian bounced off a structure on June 9 at 2 am after she was at a gathering at her life partner's home in Malwani. The deferral in her posthumous brought up certain issues

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