Thursday, April 9, 2020

Kanika Kapoor to be Questioned by police after 14 days of Quarantine

Artist Kanika Kapoor was determined to have COVID-19 and kept in detachment for treatment since March 20. After a few tests, her fifth and 6th tests came out negative and she was released from the clinic. Presently, she is in a 14-day isolate. However, from that point onward, she will purportedly be addressed by the Lucknow police. After she was tried positive, it prompted an enormous clamor as Kanika Kapoor hosted a few gatherings in Lucknow rather than self-disconnecting after she came back from London.

An objection was documented against her by the Chief Medical Officer of Lucknow. Dinesh Kumar Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police Central, Lucknow, said the FIR was held up against Kanika Kapoor based on CMO's grumbling. She was charged for her carelessness that could probably spread a risky malady, and defying a request properly proclaimed by a community worker.

She erased her post about her Coronavirus conclusion. "Life instructs us to utilize time, while time shows us the estimation of life. Heading out to bed. Sending all of you adoring vibes. Remain safe you all. Much obliged to you for your anxiety however I am not in the ICU. I am fine. I trust my next test is negative. Standing by to return home to my children and family...miss them!" she later composed on Instagram.

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